How to apply Grassroots beard oil and beard balm.

Beard oils and Beard balms are both excellent ways to nourish your beard, nourish the skin, under your beard, and keep your beard healthy and manageable. Grassroots Beard & Bath offers beard care products in many most excellent scents so I thought this would be a great time to take a few minutes and talk about how to apply our beard oil and Beard balm.

The steps for both beard products are quick and easy. For beard oil, which helps keep your skin and hair nourished, apply 4-6 drops in your hand and rub your hands together to make sure its evenly distributed. You can use 8-10+ drops for longer beard types. Next, massage the oil into your skin under your beard and coat the hairs with the oil. Finally it’s time to brush it through. I recommend using a boars hair brush, synthetic works also if you’re uneasy about using animal products. Boar hair bristles trap the oils and distribute them evenly across your beard and they are superior to any other type of brush you could use for your beard or moustache. Check back soon for the Grassroots Beard & Bath exclusive line of high quality grooming items!

Grassroots beard balms are applied in a similar way. I use an amount slightly less than a thumbnail or more depending on if I want slightly more of a hold on my beard. Rub the balm between your hands to melt and evenly distribute the product. Then apply the melted balm to your beard by rubbing your face and distributing the oils across your beard hairs. I will use a Boar hair brush to detangle and distribute the balm then ill shape it as desired. You’ll quickly find the best way that works for you.

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